The Coolest Vehicles You Have Ever Seen In A Video Game

August 28, 2022

Arguably, the first mainstream video game to feature vehicles was 1973's Space Race,which was made by Atari. Since then, many video game vehicles have evolved into some truly unique, badass creations. Whether players need to get around, protect an avatar, or destroy enemies, the vehicles in video games have a variety of functions and special features. Check out this list of the twenty coolest vehicles in video game history, some of which have even inspired real-life counterparts.

Yoshi – Super Mario World

Debuting in 1990, Yoshi was a friendly dinosaur that could be ridden by Mario or Luigi in the Dinosaur Landlevel of Super Mario World. He is one of the most original and unique vehicles in a video game ever, and it is impressive that almost nothing as memorable as him has come along since.

Chocobos – Final Fantasy

One of the only vehicles on this list from the 1980s is the Chocobo from Final Fantasy. Although these creatures look like birds, they are actually ridden like a horse, which makes them helpful in completing various journeys. The Chocobo can also communicate with other creatures and have been known to become vicious during combat.

Epona – The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

This horse is named after the Greek goddess of donkeys, horses, and mules and was a useful vehicle in this video game. Firing arrows while riding Epona was a breeze, and many gamers have fond memories of this quick-footed, reliable horse.

Lil' Mech – Metal Slug

Metal Slug is a classic Japanese game released in 1996. Once players were able to get their hands on the lil' mech, the game became one of the most rewarding ever. Enemies experienced numerous deaths thanks to this beast.

Four Horses Of The Apocalypse – Red DeadRedemption: Undead Nightmare

These mythical creatures are faster than any other horse in the game and are also less vulnerable to injury. They breathe fire, have blood-red eyes, and make the ground they walk on stale. John Marston is a brave man.

Vital Suits – Lost Planet

These vital suits come in many different varieties and are usually two to three times the height of an average human. Being able to mount weapons and have access to tools that help players in combat make the vital suits highly useful.

Jet Turbine – Earthworm Jim

In a game about an earthworm who wears a spacesuit and fights evil while cracking jokes and using a ray gun, this mode of transportation may not be as weird as it initially sounds. Earthworm Jim used a jet turbine with handlebars and a saddle to cruise around. His vehicle was as unique as this classic game.

Gaia – God of War 3

In this game, players do not actually get to control Gaia but rather ride on her back up Mt. Olympus before battle. Helping to destroy the Gods of Olympus certainly gives Gaia her badass status in video games.

Light Cycle – Tron

One of the most iconic and memorable features from the Tron movies and video games is the light cycle. The vehicles are incredibly fast and maneuverable even though they can turn only at ninety-degree angles.

Chainsaw Motorcycle – Dead Rising 2

The Chainsaw Motorcycle, also known as the Slicecycle, is a wild zombie-killing machine made by combining a chainsaw and motorcycle. It is, arguably, the best weapon in the entire game due to its speed and durability.

Hounds – Chrome Hounds

The Hounds from the Chrome Hounds video game are a memorable feature from an otherwise forgettable game. These destructive vehicles carried hell-fire missiles, making battle extremely intense.

A-Wing, X-Wing, Y-Wing – Star Wars

All of these space vehicles handle differently, but they make up an impressive fleet of Rebel ships. The option to use these vehicles in battles from the movies and new ones designed for the game makes them an absolute joy to pilot for any fan of the franchise.

Brumac – Gears of War 2

The Brumac were originally genetically engineered by The Locust. They had weapons welded to them and were force-fed toxic energies. This produced a fifteen-tonne angry and dangerous monster that players can hang onto and shoot from.

Leonardo Da Vinci's Flying Machine – Assassin's Creed 2

This vehicle allows players to fully appreciate their surroundings while silently flying around Venice during the Renaissance. Although it is not equipped with weapons, it is a useful way to get around the city.

Jet Pack – Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

This game is one of the best video games of all time and contains many memorable items and vehicles. The beloved jetpack is a favorite of many gamers because it allows them to shoot at innocent civilians while thrusting through the streets of Los Santos, San Fierro, and Las Venturas. The jetpack from GTA San Andreas has inspired an ongoing hunt for it in every subsequent release from the franchise.

Panzercycle – Mercenaries 2

In a series that contains as many unique vehicles as the Mercenariesfranchise, it is hard to pick just one incredible mode of transportation. However, the strange combination of a motorcycle, jet ski, and Abrams tank warrants the Panzercycle's inclusion on this list.

Scorpion – Halo

Many gamers will have a distinct memory of seeing and using this destructive and well-protected vehicle for the very first time. In addition to having great firepower, the tank was a simple, versatile, and rugged vehicle capable of limiting human casualties.

Bomber, Interceptor, Tie Fighter – Star Wars

The iconic sound and speed of the Imperial fleet make them an easy choice for fans of theStar Wars games. Even though damage has a drastic effect on these spaceships, it is well worth trying them out in any Star Wars game.

Warthog – Halo

The Warthog from Halo is well known for versatility and being able to handle any terrain while simultaneously allowing a passenger to fire on enemies from the gun emplacement. It has even inspired many off-road vehicle owners to modify their cars to look like a Warthog.

SSV Normandy – Mass Effect

The SSV Normandy is a space frigate that can navigate star systems in complete stealth while defending itself with incredible power. It is, perhaps, the most destructive vehicle in gaming history and can vanquish enemies easily.